Young Reader Love for Beasts of Olympus

I love getting reviews from young readers, and I was so happy to receive two recent ones about my Beasts of Olympus series – from a five year-old and a nine year-old.

Here’s what the adorable five year-old Seth from the UK sent me (including a drawing of the Iris Express as a locomotive, which I LOVE)!

Sometimes reviews can be less than nice, but when a nine year-old from the USA says this about your work:

‘Once this book hooked me in, it made me never want to stop reading it, and when I finished reading it, I wanted to read it all over again,’

it bolsters your faith that this writing business is totally worthwhile. So thank you, Seth and Gavin! You guys are who I make up the stories for.

You can read Gavin’s full review here.

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